
Hello! My name is Ting-Han Lin, and I go by Timmy. I am a computer science PhD student advised by Prof. Sarah Sebo at the University of Chicago. I received both M.S. in Computer Science and B.A. in Economics from the University of Chicago in 2022 (4-year Joint BA/MS in Computer Science). During my master’s and undergrad, I was advised by Prof. Sarah Sebo and Prof. Ken Nakagaki. Before coming to the United States for college, I was born and raised in Taiwan.

My research interest lies in the intersection of human-robot interaction and human-computer interaction. Specifically, I focus on designing user-adaptive social robots. As social robots become more prevalent, they will need to adapt to multiple users' preferences and avoid relying on scripted verbal responses and actions. I develop robots capable of managing group dynamics, supporting user-initiated interaction, and ensuring long-term user engagement. My work contributes to the future of companion robots with greater adaptivity and accessibility. I have published my research in top conferences including HRI, CHI, and RO-MAN.

Publication & Journals


03/06/2024 Presented my first-author paper at HRI 2025 Melbourne, Australia

03/14/2024 One paper got presented at HRI 2024 Boulder, Colorado, USA

09/26/2023 Officially started my PhD at UChicago!

04/23/2023 Two papers got presented at CHI 2023 Hamburg, Germany