Ting-Han Lin
Ting-Han Lin
Taiwanese Mahjong Score Counter App
Taiwanese Mahjong is a 4-player game where players exchange their tiles to form a winning hand of 17 tiles. A winning hand must contain a pair and five sets of either Chows (a sequence like 1,2,3) or Pongs (three of a kind like 1,1,1).
Event Tracker App Prototype
College students often frustrated with tracking social events from many media sources (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, University Emails). They are also frustrated with finding events that are happening near their physical location and finding the locations of these events.
Distributed Password Cracking Service
I created a distributed password cracking system. I implemented the system as a REST service and developed a client that can distribute portions of the password search space to instances of the REST service.
Word Hunt Solver
I constructed an interactive program with Python that can show immediate solutions to the game Word Hunt. Word Hunt is an 80-second minigame developed by Game Pigeon. A player is given 16 letters on a 4x4 grid, then he will have to find out word combinations from those letters.
Anagrams Solver
I built an interactive program with Python that can show immediate solutions to the game Anagrams. Anagrams is a 60-second word hunt game developed by Game Pigeon. A player is given a list of 6 letters, then he will have to find out word combinations from those letters.
Reaction Time Calculator
I designed an interactive program with Python that allows a player to test his or her reaction time. Once a player starts my interactive program, the terminal prompts will ask him or her to press the ENTER key when they see the word PIKACHU.
Eyes & Hands-free Pong Game
I made an interactive program with Python that allows a player to play Pong Game without using eyes and hands. Pong Game is a two-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis.
Weber's Law Tester On Vision
I put together a Weber’s Law Tester on vision. Weber’s law, also called Weber-Fechner law, is historically important psychological law quantifying the perception of change in a given stimulus. The law states that the change in a stimulus that will be just noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus.